Frequently Asked Questions

General Setup

Is Simply Fleet for me?

Simply Fleet is designed for fleets of all sizes. Many SMBs as well as enterprises use Simply Fleet to streamline their fleet maintenance needs. Simply Fleet is free to use with limited features for you to try out the solution. If you find that Simply Fleet meets your requirements, you may decide to purchase our subscription. The subscription cost depends on your fleet size.

How many vehicles can I setup?        

You can setup 5 vehicles in the free version. Additional vehicles can be added in paid plans. To explore our plans please visit our Pricing Page.        

What are the default currencies and metrics that Simply Fleet uses, and can they be changed?

Organizations across the world can use Simply Fleet. Simply Fleet will choose the default currencies and metrics from your country. You can also go ahead and change it later if required from Menu > Setup > Organization Settings.        

How do I get started with Simply Fleet?        

Please take a look at our Demo Videos and Interactive Demos to understand how to get started.   Demo Videos  Interactive Demos. If you require any assistance you can schedule a demo with us or contact us on        

Is Simply Fleet free?        

Simply Fleet has a free plan which lets you add up to 5 vehicles and 3 users. To know more about the Free plan please visit our pricing page.        

Can I enter pre-dated records?        

Yes, you can enter pre-dated records for all modules (Fill-ups, Services, Trips, etc).        

Can I bulk import my historical data?        

Yes, you can bulk import your historical data via CSV files. You will see an 'Import' option under 'Setup'. You need to select the module and upload the CSV file for that particular module. All modules have sample files that you can model your historical data on.

User Management and Login

What type of users and roles can I create in Simply Fleet?        

Simply Fleet offers 4 types of users, namely, Admins, Managers, Operators (Drivers) and Technicians. The table below highlights the privileges available to each.

Can I hide certain driver documents that I upload for my driver?        

Yes, you can hide certain documents if you wish. The driver has access to his license. Any other document that you upload can be hidden from the driver by unchecking the ‘Make this document available to the operator’.        

How do I add drivers in my account?

The admin of your organization will have to add drivers from the User Management module. They will need to put in the driver's name and email ids while adding them. They can also upload all related documents for your driver. Drivers will then have to download Simply Fleet app on Play Store or App Store and login with the credentials emailed to them.

Can I set up a schedule for my technicians?        

Yes, you can setup a schedules for your technicians. When you select the role of the added user to that of a 'Technician', you will be able to input their schedule in Days and Hours.  
This schedule is used calculate the hours worked by the technician on a work order.        

What records does my manager get to see?        

The manager will get to see records that have been added by the operators reporting to them.        

Every time I login, I get an error 'user not found'?        

This means that email you are trying to use has not yet signed up on our system. Either create a new organization with your email id or ask your admin to add your email in the system.

I get an error 'Password invalid or user does not have password' error?        

This means that the password you are entering is incorrect or that you used another way of signing up in the past. That is, you used the Google Sign In button to sign up but are now typing in your email to login.        

Fuel Management

Can I upload my fill-ups via a spreadsheet?        

Yes, you can bulk import your records by clicking the menu icon on the Fill-ups screen and clicking 'Import'.        

What is a 'Partial Fill-up'?        

A partial tank is when you have not filled the tank all the way to the brim. A partial tank does not provide sufficient information to calculate efficiency. You need at least two full tank fill-ups before the app can start calculating efficiency.

Let me illustrate with an example:
First tank fill-up: Odo 1000. The quantity isn't considered. Assuming this is a full tank.

Second fill-up: Odo 1200. Quantity: 10 liters (full tank). Distance since the first fill-up: 200 km. Efficiency is calculated as 10/200 = 5 liters/100 km.

Third fill-up: Odo 1300. Quantity: 5 liters (partial fill-up). Distance since the second fill-up: 100 km. As it's a partial fill-up, we can't accurately determine the fuel used for the distance. So efficiency remains N/A until the tank is filled completely again.

Fourth fill-up: Odo 1500. Quantity: 10 liters (full tank). Distance since the third fill-up: 200 km. The total fuel used for the distance is 15 (5 + 10) liters for 300 (200 + 100) km. So the efficiency for both the third and fourth fill-ups is updated to 15/300 = 5 liters/100 km.        

What can I do if I forget to add a fill-up?        

If you forget to add a fill-up between 2 fill-ups, you can tick the ‘Missed Previous Fill Up’ box. This will re-calculate the efficiency based on the new record values between the earlier existing fill-ups.        

Can we add trip distance instead of Odometer for every fill-up?        

Yes, this is possible in the mobile app. To do this, click the Settings icon (next to the Save icon) on the Add Fill-up screen. Here, select the option for 'Trip Distance'.        

Why do I see the efficiency as 'N/A' for partial fill-ups?        

During a partial fill-up, we do not know how many liters were used by the car to travel the distance since we only did a partial fill-up. Hence efficiency will be N/A until a full tank is filled up again.        

Can my drivers attach receipts of the fill-ups from their mobile devices?        

Yes, Drivers can add fill-ups, services, expenses for the assigned vehicles from their mobiles and this will be available on the cloud for his manager / Admin to see and download.        

Can the filling station name be auto-detected?        

Yes, this is possible in the mobile app. To do this, click the Settings icon (next to the Save icon) on the Add Fill-up screen. Here, select the option 'Auto detect filling station and brand based on location        

Sometimes when I add a fill-up I get an error saying that the odometer value is incorrect. What can I do?        

Simply Fleet does a sanity check between the odometer and date before saving the data. If the date and odometer are out of sync it will not let you save the record. Which means that if you have an odometer value of, let's say, 10000 on 23-Oct-2023, and you try to enter another record with an odometer value of 9500 on 25-Oct-2023, it will not let you.  
The error will mention the module and the date of the out of sync record.        

Why is it mandatory to enter the odometer value with every fill-up?

The odometer value is needed to calculate the distance between two fill-ups which in turn is used to calculate the efficiency. The odometer is also used to update the mileage of the vehicle in the system which is used in multiple places like checking for overdue Reminders.        

How can I generate a report of the fill-ups logged?        

You can generate a report by first filtering the records that you want in your report. Then you can chose the columns you would like to see in your report by click the 'Manage Columns' button, next to the menu button. Once you have your desired data and columns you need to generate the report by clicking the 'Export CSV' or 'Export PDF' button from the menu (3 dots) below the Add button.

Reminders & Renewals

How do I add a maintenance reminder in Simply Fleet?        

You can add a maintenance reminder either on the app or from the web, by navigating to Reminder > Maintenance Reminders > Clicking on Add Reminder. Then follow the flow on the screen. You can also view this interactive demo to understand how to add a maintenance reminder: Interactive Demo        

Does Simply Fleet send out notifications when a reminder is overdue?        

Yes, you will be notified via email and a notification in the Simply Fleet app when the reminder is due.  
Notifications will be sent to the users who have been added as notification recipients during the creation of the reminder.        

Can I receive reminders a few days or miles before they are due?        

Yes, you can receive notifications before they become overdue. Fill out the 'Notify Me' section with the desired number of miles and days for early notification.        

Can I create multiple reminders in one shot?        

Yes, you can bulk upload multiple reminders in one shot via a Spreadsheet/CSV file. To do this, on the Reminders screen click the menu icon (3 dots) > Click Import. Download the sample file and create a CSV file for your records. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact support at

How can I set reminders on an exact date?        

To do this, change the date of the reminder from the Schedule Preview section on the right by clicking the edit icon (pencil icon). The subsequent reminders will get adjusted accordingly.

Why can't I create reminders for certain Service Tasks?        

Reminder and Renewals can only be created for recurring tasks. If you don't see certain tasks while creating reminders, then this could be because these tasks were created as non-recurring tasks. To change them to recurring tasks, go to Service/Expense Tasks > edit the task in question > check the box that says 'Recurring Task'


How do I add a maintenance reminder in Simply Fleet?        

You can add a maintenance reminder either on the app or from the web, by navigating to Reminder > Maintenance Reminders > Clicking on Add Reminder. Then follow the flow on the screen. You can also view this interactive demo to understand how to add a maintenance reminder: Interactive Demo        

Can the driver edit an inspection?

Yes, but only the ones they have submitted. They do not have access to any other submissions.       

How do I submit or keep a record of the inspections submitted in fleet management software?        

Simply Fleet app has the option to print the inspection submission or save it as pdf on the web app. This print out or pdf will include images clicked in the submission as well.      

Can I schedule an inspection?        

No yet, this feature is in the works and should be out very soon.

Can the drivers alter inspection tasks and inspection forms?

No, the drivers can only submit inspections.

Can I customize inspection tasks and forms in the fleet maintenance software?        

Yes, you can edit existing tasks that have been created according to your requirements in the Simply Fleet app.

How will my driver access the inspection forms I create?

When submitting an Inspection, they will need to select an Inspection Form. Here they will see all the forms that have been created.

How can I give instructions about an inspection task?

You can add all the instructions to instructions section.

What are the task attributes?

With Task Attributes you can chose what action can the driver perform on that task. If you chose Pass/Fail, he will be able to mark the task Pass or Fail. With Value, he will be able to enter a value for the task. And with Image Capture, he will be able to click images for the task.

Vehicle and Asset Management

How do I add a vehicle in Simply Fleet?        

An admin can add vehicles using the Vehicles Menu to the left or you can bulk upload vehicles via Import (Setup > Import) feature.        

How can I get a report on vehicle downtime?        

Vehicle downtime is reported on the Dashboard as well as on the Vehicle screen. To check the downtime of a specific vehicle for a specific time frame, adjust the filters accordingly. Downtime of a vehicle is measured in the system whenever a vehicle is 'Out of service'. This happens when an issue is opened for a vehicle or when a work order is active on a vehicle. You can also manually mark a vehicle 'Out of service' by editing the vehicle from the Vehicles screen.

Can I assign specific vehicles to specific drivers?        

Yes, you can do this either from the Vehicles tab > Vehicle Operators > Assign/Unassign Operator OR User Management Menu > Vehicles Assigned > Assign/Unassign Vehicles

Can I import vehicles from a spreadsheet?        

Yes, you can import vehicles via a CSV file. Click on the menu icon on the Vehicles screen and select 'Import'. Then follow the instructions on the screens. If you need any assistance please mail us at

Work Orders

What is the Work Order module?

Admins and Managers can create work orders for open issues / scheduled maintenance from the Work Orders module. These work orders can be assigned to Technicians who will be notified whenever a work order is assigned to them.

How can I create a new work order?

Work orders can be created either from reported issues or can automatically be created when a service is due.

What happens when a scheduled work order is triggered from a reminder?

When a scheduled work order is triggered, a new work order is created and assigned to the technician as specified in the reminder. The technician is sent a notification with details of the work order. The technician can then accept the work order from their mobile app or the web app.

How can a technician accept a work order?

Technicians can accept work orders, assigned to them, from either the mobile app or the web app. Once they accept the work order, the status of the work order changes to “In progress,” and the vehicle is marked out of service.

What happens when a technician closes a work order?

Technicians can close work orders once they've finished working on it. This action marks the vehicle as back in service and creates a service record in the system.

Daily Mileage

What is Daily Mileage used for?        

Daily mileage is used for keeping track of the starting mileage and ending mileage of a vehicle and the start and end of a day. With this feature of Simply Fleet, you can know the distance driven by a vehicle each day.        

Can I make it mandatory for drivers to fill out their daily mileage?        

Yes, you can do this from the Operator Settings option (in Setup). You can select a time when you would want the operator to fill out the Daily Mileage. If you’ve made in mandatory for the operator to fill this out, and he does not fill it out, the admin and his manager get a notification in the web as well as the mobile app.                

How is Daily Mileage different from Trips?        

Daily Mileage is used for keeping track of the mileage at the start and end of a day. Whereas, Trips are used for logging individual trips. Within trips, you can record trip specific information, like departure & arrival location, departure & arrival time, fill-ups, expense and income make during a trip.      

Can drivers add in comments while putting in their daily mileage?        

Yes, drivers can add in comments while putting in their daily mileage.    

What happens if a driver puts in the incorrect mileage?        

Firstly, if the system detects that the mileage is wrong, then the driver will not be allowed to put in the mileage. The system also warns the driver if it detects that the mileage entered is too large. In spite of this if the driver goes ahead an enters an incorrect mileage, then the admin can correct this from the web.

Trip Management

What is recorded with Trips?        

In Simply Fleet we let you log your organizations trips. This is either done from the driver's mobile app or can be done via the web.  
The trip records details like, the departure location, arrival location, date/time, distance, average speed and any associated expenses and incomes. We can also also help you capture any receipts or other images that need to be captured during a trip.        

Can I log any income and expenses associated with the Trips?        

Yes, you can add any income and expenses associated with the Trip. Income is added by clicking the income button (on the mobile app) or the income tab (on the web). To add expenses, including fill-ups, you can do so by clicking the fill-ups or the expenses button (on the mobile app) or tab (on the website).        

Can Simply Fleet help me with GPS (live location) tracking of my fleet?        

No, we do not support this feature. We will introduce this in the future.        

I don't want my drivers to enter the odometer for every trip. I need trips to automatically track distance.        

This is possible in the mobile app. Simply Fleet can automatically populate the Departure Odometer value based on the last odometer. To enable this setting, click the Settings icon (next to the Save icon) on the Add Trip screen.
To fully automate this, make the driver select the ‘Track via GPS’ option. Then all the driver needs to do is click on ‘Start Trip’ and ‘End Trip’. His distance, time and location will all be automatically filled in.

Billing & Pricing

How can I pay for the software?

You can pay from either the website or the mobile app. To pay from the website or the mobile app, you need to go into the ‘Billing’ screen and select the package you’d like to subscribe to. Only Admins and Managers have access to the billing screen.

What payment methods do you accept for your services?

We accept major credit cards, bank transfers or wire transfers for our services.

What constitutes 'Users' in the pricing packages?

Users can be admins, managers, drivers and technicians from your organization who use the software.

For monthly subscriptions, how will the amount be deducted every month?

Absolutely! Simply Fleet offers solutions for fleets of all sizes, from small businesses managing a few vehicles to large enterprises with complex fleets.

Are there any hidden fees or additional charges not mentioned in the pricing plans?

No, our pricing plans are transparent, and there are no hidden fees or additional charges.

Do you offer any discounts for long-term subscriptions, non-profit organizations or large fleets?

Yes, we do provide discounts for long-term subscriptions, non-profit organizations and large fleets. Please contact our sales team for more information at

What happened to the SMALL, MEDIUM and ENTERPRISE plans?

Our pricing plans have changed, if you are an existing customer, your pre-selected plans will continue as shown on your billing screen.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a full refund if the subscription is cancelled within 14 days after the first subscription. Please make sure you cancel your subscription and mail us at To cancel your subscription, go to the Billings page and click the Cancel button.

Is there a trial period available for your services?

We offer a FREE plan when you sign up for you to explore our services before making a commitment. If you need to explore any pro feature, you can get in touch with us at

What happens if I cannot pay on time?

In case the payment fails for a monthly subscription, then the system retries in 7 days, in the interim you can continue using the system. If the payment fails even after 7 days, then the subscription is cancelled. In any case, if you would like to continue the subscription and do plan to pay us in the future, message us on and we will keep the subscription alive.

How can I update my payment details?

If you've purchased your subscription from the web, then you can update your details by clicking the 'Payment Details' link on the 'Billing' screen. You can also add your tax number here in case you wish for it to appear on your Invoice. If you've purchased your subscription from the mobile app, then you can manage your payment details from the Play Store or App Store app.

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