February 14, 2020

Why fuel management is important in fleet?

Effective Fleet Fuel Management ensures the best utilization of resources and allows us to reduce costs to a large extent. Apart from fuel managing & cutting down your expenses, you can also keep track of mileage of individual vehicles of your fleet.

Understanding Fuel Management:

Fuel Management, be it related to any mode of transportation, involves the maintenance, control & monitor over the storage and consumption of fuel.
Effective Fuel Management ensures the best utilization of resources and allows us to reduce costs to a large extent.

Importance of Fuel Management in Fleet Management:

Importance of effective fuel management is the monitoring of fuel. For this reason, there are fuel monitoring systems which are developed to cater to the different needs of a transportation model.

Following are the various Fleet Fuel Monitoring Systems :

Card-based fuel Monitoring:

In this fuel monitoring system, the driver is provided with a 'fueling credit card' and a 'Driver pin.'
The driver uses the respective fueling credit card and the pin while fueling his/her vehicle.
Thereby, reports are generated periodically to keep track of the fuel consumption by the driver. Also, all the fuel transaction data can be downloaded and stored.

On-site fuel monitoring:

For on-site fuel monitoring, fleet refuelling services or bulk fuel tanks are employed at the site.
Fuel is tracked as it is pumped into vehicles and on-site storage levels can be managed, considering the requirements or shortage of fuel.

Mobile fuel Monitoring:

Mobile fuel monitoring involves a fleet of fuel or tankers which supply fuel to the commercial fleets at their stations.
This uses RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) technology to identify the respective vehicle and also provides the details of each transaction.

Total fuel Monitoring:

Complete fuel Monitoring offers both card-based & on-site fuel monitoring systems.
This helps us enhance our fleet management and reduces the chances of any misinformation.

Benefits of Using Fleet Fuel Management Are:

Cost Tracking per mile:

A report which exactly calculates the miles travelled by the fleet and amount of fuel consumed is generated by Fuel Monitoring Systems.
These reports enable the user/driver to know the mileage of the fleet & figure out the performance levels.
Just taking a small example from our much loved Simply Fleet, One of our users Ms Lucy reached out to us saying how well she was able to keep a track of her overall vehicle expenses.
The cost per mile statistics made it easy to modify her driving style while maximizing fuel efficiency.
With Simply Fleet you'll be able to do this to not one but all of your fleet vehicles.

Stopping fuel theft:

Be it a declaration of incorrect fuel consumption or odometer tampering or even improper/no maintenance, one or all of these are considered as fuel theft. And, fuel is one thing your fleet needs to take care of when considering the profits aspect.
Using a fuel monitoring system, you can learn when & where fuel theft or short filling was done. Taking precautions to stop the theft while also considering the records will be good practice and set certain standards among the fleet drivers.

Easy record-keeping

Fuel monitoring system apart from tracking the cost per mile, stopping fuel theft or improving overall efficiency also, automatically records the data which is always ready to have a look at.
When we approached Steve to know if he was facing any difficulties with keeping a record of the four rigs he has, all he had to say was "Super simple".
Yes! It is super simple to keep track of your records. And the best part of Simply fleet, record without any errors.

To control it on the go, you can download our Simply Fleet mobile app.

Apart from fuel management & cutting down your expenses, you can also keep track of the mileage of individual vehicles of your fleet.

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