Reactive Maintenance

Repairs that are made after a vehicle has failed or broken down, as opposed to scheduled preventive maintenance.

How it works?

  • A vehicle exhibits warning signs like unusual noises, vibrations, or malfunction indicator lights (MIL) illumination.
  • These signs are often ignored or not addressed promptly.
  • The vehicle eventually experiences a complete breakdown, rendering it inoperable.
  • The vehicle is then towed to a repair shop for diagnosis and repair of the problem.

Common Signs of Reactive Maintenance:

  • Frequent breakdowns and repairs: Vehicles experience unexpected breakdowns due to a lack of preventive maintenance, leading to higher repair costs and downtime.
  • Neglecting warning signs: Ignoring warning lights, unusual noises, or performance issues allows minor problems to escalate into major breakdowns.
  • No preventive maintenance schedule: There's no plan for regular inspections, oil changes, or other preventive maintenance tasks.
  • Limited data and analysis: Little to no data is collected on vehicle health or maintenance history, making it difficult to identify potential problems before breakdowns occur.

Drawbacks of Reactive Maintenance:

  • Higher Costs: Reactive repairs are often more expensive than preventive maintenance. Addressing a minor issue early on can prevent a major breakdown and the associated high repair costs.
  • Increased Downtime: Breakdowns lead to unexpected downtime, taking vehicles out of service and potentially impacting operations and deliveries.
  • Safety Risks: Ignoring warning signs can lead to safety hazards on the road. A breakdown due to a neglected issue could result in accidents or injuries.
  • Reduced Vehicle Lifespan: Reactive maintenance allows problems to worsen over time, leading to premature wear-and-tear and a shortened lifespan for your fleet vehicles.
  • Lower Driver Morale: Drivers who operate unreliable vehicles with frequent breakdowns can experience frustration and decreased morale.

Leads to higher costs, downtime, safety risks, shorter vehicle life, and lower driver morale.